The AI Art Magazine

Together, we unfold creativity

Hero cover

Stay informed about the launch:

What is your interest?


The AI Art Magazine celebrates the fusion of human creativity and intelligent machines.

Freezing the moment of art in a tangible printed form while AI is evolving rapidly.


There are two main goals

Artistic representation

To provide a platform that allows artists and creators to share their AI-crafted works with a broader audience.

Magazine article

To offer everyone easy access to AI creations as well as inspire creative minds in their own exploration.

Here is how it will unfold

From submission to publication

Know the idea

The AI Art Magazine invites everyone — artists and non-artists alike — to explore the intersection of art and technology. Whether you're creating or simply curious, join us.

Take part

Submit your AI art or sign up to stay updated. Our platform is the central point for submissions, where creators can contribute their AI art and and the stories behind.

Make cut

A jury, including one AI member, reviews and selects artistic works for our magazine, aiming for a variety that challenges and inspires, beyond the usual circle of art and design.

Stay in loop

All participants, whether submitting art or expressing interest, will be kept in the loop with progress, selections, and updates on the magazine’s journey.

Get a copy

Contributors and everyone else can get the magazine at its production cost. We’re about spreading knowledge and passion for AI, not aiming for profit.

Spread art

We're committed to bringing AI art to new eyes and untouched environments. Everybody should be invited to see the future through the next level of art.


Any questions or further ideas? Email us: [email protected]

We’re excited to hear about your thoughts.


Unfolding creativity together

The magazine reveals what happens when humans and machines get creative together. We’re throwing the doors wide open and think it's going to be a blast – come in and be part of it.


Art Magazine Logo


Simone, Mike, Gabriele, Dan